Prof. Kamal. K. Misra
Honorary Member
Formerly Vice-Chancellor,
Utkal University of Culture, Bhubaneswar
ICSSR Senior Fellow

Prof. K.K. Misra is currently an ICSSR Senior Fellow and was formerly the Vice-Chancellor of Utkal University of Culture, Bhubaneswar. He was Professor of Anthropology and Dean, School of Social Sciences at the Central University of Hyderabad. He was educated at Utkal University, Bhubaneswar; Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; and University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. He was recipient of the prestigious Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Award in the USA and the Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship in the UK. He was also invited by the University of Bergen, Norway as a Guest Researcher. He was honored with Sarat Chandra Roy Memorial Medal by the Asiatic Society, Kolkata for his contribution to Anthropology in Asia. Prof. Misra was the Director of National Museum of Mankind, Bhopal, and the Director of the Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata, He taught at Utkal University, University of Hyderabad and at Austin College, Texas, USA.