Society for Indian Medical Anthropology (SIMA)
The Society for Indian Medical Anthropology was established in the year 1978 as an unregistered body. Prof. P. C. Joshi, the current Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University of Delhi, is the Founder- President of the society and Prof.H.K. Bhat, Former Professor and Head, Department of Anthropology, University of Mysore, is the Founder-Secretary. The society was registered in Mysore in the year 1993. SIMA is having 195 Life Members at present. The Society undertakes research project work and evaluation studies, organizes Conferences, National Seminars and panel discussions from time to time. SIMA has published a few books. The Society successfully completed a few research projects. SIMA instituted an award called, ‘Swasthya Seva Ratna’ in the year 2010. The award is given to individuals who have served the common people in the field of healthcare (Ethno- and modern medical systems, health, etc.).
Patron : Prof. R. K. Mutatkar, Former Head, Department of Anthropology, University of Pune, Pune.
President : Prof. P. C. Joshi, Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, Delhi.
General Secretary : Prof. H. K. Bhat, Department of Anthropology, University of Mysore,