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DrVijay Prakash Sharma
Oct 23, 2021
A quick look at Indian Anthropology - predecessor and contemporary Vijay Prakash sharma Human "and their traditions, method of life, socio-cultural activities is a subject to be studied in totality. In this mode" microscopic "study is considered important. As direct experiences. Through the facts, it is important to understand the biological, social, cultural structures of human beings from scientific method. It is important that such study should depend on the truth of the analysis of the facts (without being prejudiced by any bias). This method gives anthropology to humanist philosophy. In this, comparative studies of two cultures are done keeping this in mind that does not consider any culture to be small or big. Among social scientists, anthropologists are considered to be the most skilled at compiling sociocultural facts because they become part of the routine of study, participating in their daily routines, through the medium of "participatory observation", resulting in study in depth. The facts gathered by him are self-observable truths. The subject matter of human science is large, so it has been formed into four main branches to study different dimensions of human life-1. Physical Anthropology 2. Cultural-Social Anthropology 3. Archaeological Anthropology, language science. The beginning of the series of anthropological studies in India is believed to be from the founding of the Asiatic Society in Bengal. In 1912, Sharat Chandra Roy started studying Indian tribes. The first attempt of human classical study was made by an Indian.1917 is the time of establishment of Bihar and Odisha Research Society. In the beginning of this period, studies related to Shri Sharat Chandra Roy's Munda (1912) and Oraon (1915) tribes were published. Later, many scholars of the first generation published anthropological studies. Professor Vidyarthi has named the study of 1774 to 1919 AD as "Formative" period, "Constructive" period from 1920 to 1920 to 1949 and "Analytical" period from 1950 onwards. Professor Vidyarthi called the present period section as "Analytical" because for the first time the thinking related to Indian anthropology started. Now, the basic facts of "Indian culture" have been noticed and it has been found that religion is the soul of Indian culture, so without its study, anthropology cannot be Indianised. Now, from the decade of the 1980s, the trend towards this study increased which was led by Professor Robert Redfield (University of Chicago). The study of anthropology "litlle community", from Redfield's contemplation, led to the study of "simple" to "complex" community. His concept of "Folk-urban-continuum" laid the foundation of a new era. At the same time, David Mandelbaum's team came here to study India's "rural life" and the tradition of "rural studies" was announced. Both these types of researches redesigned and reoriented Indian anthropology. Subsequently, Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas and Shyama Charan Dubey developed new concepts such as "Sanskritization" and "dominant caste" through their rural studies. On the one hand when rural studies were going on, on the other hand "urban studies" were being done by Milton Singer and Mckim Mariott. Lalita Prasad Vidyarthi was developing the concept of "nature-man-spirit" among the tribes of Santhalpargana and "sacred complex" in the religious region of Gaya, based on the concept of "Great and little tradition" under the leadership of Redfield, which in turn Indian Indians Both these types of research in scripture oriented and reoriented Indian anthropology. Subsequently, Mysore Narasimhacharya Srinivas and Shyama Charan Dubey developed new concepts such as "Sanskritization" and "dominant caste" through their rural studies. On the one hand when rural studies were going on, on the other hand "urban studies" were being done by Milton Singer and Mckim Mariott. The study was about to emerge as a big concept . This period can be called the "golden age" of Indian anthropology. Current and expansion of Indian anthropology: By the 1950s, it was confined to only 9 universities viz: Kolkata, Pune, Lucknow, Bihar, Delhi, Sagar, but innumerable dimensions of researches were carried out in this period. Several Indian anthropologists' studied the then anthropological theories such as: evolutionism, functionalism, diffusionism, structuralism, structural-functionalism, culture and individualism, and Levi Strauss's structural-symbolism were published. These publications provided anthropology with a solid ground. The Government of India also adopted them as a study based on contemporary reality. The "Anthropological Survey of India" was established which is like a milestone. The Planning Commission also considered human classical studies to be important in determining the strategy of tribal development. At present, anthropology is being taught in almost 40 Indian universities. New problem-oriented studies are taking place. With the publication of "People of India: A huge repository of facts and figures related to almost all communities in India, it has become possible at the beginning of 21st century. Biological anthropology has also given new dimension to the genome project".Overall, it can be assumed that Indian anthropology is progressing progressively. Now the need is that the government and other institutions should give proper opportunities and space to the anthropologists in view of its importance

DrVijay Prakash Sharma

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